

In general, children first control the toilet bowels first during the day and then at night, which means that you could think about removing the night diaper only when the child has already perfectly controlled his or her trips to the bathroom during the day . It is very important that this process be taken calmly, because the child should be calm and prepared, if not, it is most likely to wet the bed every night  Desfralde passo a passo . In general, it will be the child himself who begins to give signals that it is time to leave the diaper at night . Some of these indicators that may indicate that the child is ready to leave them may be waking up in the morning with a dry diaper or definitely saying: "Now that I am big I want to sleep without a diaper at night". If it has been more than three nights and the child wakes up with his dry diaper , it could be a very good time to take it out, in this way you reassure yourself that you have learned to control your bowel...